Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Midland Diary

This month I learned about the existence of a diary about the first settlers in Midland. It was made known to me on the Pasadena Come Home Year Facebook page by Cyril Rose. He was kind enough to send it to me. I've been busy reading it ever since. I got through the first half and this is what I learned so far:

  1. A dog stole some bacon that was needed to feed the men working on the roads and homes.
  2. Some bully beef was bad and most of the men got very sick, with food poisoning symptoms.
  3. I found the exact date that my grandfather Andrew Whiffin arrived in Midland.
  4. There were 25 families that were assigned/accepted for this resettlement program, and when 5 left to go somewhere else or back home, five more families were given the chance to come to midland.
  5. At times some men were brought to Corner Brook to see a doctor.
  6. Mr. Earle did a lot of visiting, to speak with the newcombers.
  7. The person writing the diary had a good sense of humour.
  8. There were complaints about mosquitoes from time to time.
  9. The men were hard workers.
  10. There was a lot of rainy weather which prevented work at times.
  11. The men came first, followed by women and children.
  12. There is a documented date for a first christening of a child in Midland.
Stay tuned as I will list many facts from the diary. It is indeed an exciting document.